As part of "Buy Canadian" weekend, the shops of Wellington West will be turning their front windows into a makers studio, showcasing Canadian designers in action!
Ever been curious to see how a jeweller works? What tools they use, what techniques are involved? JV Studios will be featuring Ottawa jeweller, Fran Miles of Open Fire Jewellery. Come by and watch her in her element. She'll be making custom gemstone rings that you can customize just for you! Pick your metal, pick your stone, and she'll create it for you on the spot! You can also shop from Open Fire's full collection!
Check out what all our neigoubours are doing as well! Participating shops include: Flock, Victoire, Vien Avec Moi, Twiss & Weber, Muriel Dombert, Bloomfields.
See y'all this Saturday June 24th from 1-4pm! ✌🏽💕 |